What is Ammonia (NH3) Gas?

Ammonia (NH3) is a colorless gas with a pungent odor, composed of Nitrogen and Hydrogen atoms. It is highly soluble in water and forms Ammonium Hydroxide (NH4OH), a weak base. Ammonia is produced naturally in the environment but is also synthesized on a large scale using the Haber-Bosch process, which combines nitrogen and Hydrogen under high pressure and temperature in the presence of a catalyst.

NH3 gas is primarily used in agriculture as a key component of fertilizers, essential for enhancing crop yields. It also serves as a precursor in the production of chemicals like nitric acid and urea and is used in industrial refrigeration due to its efficient thermodynamic properties. However, Ammonia is a toxic gas and can cause respiratory distress, skin burns, and other health issues if not handled properly.

What is Ammonia Gas Used for?  


The largest use of Ammonia is in agriculture, where it is a key component of fertilizers. Ammonia-based fertilizers are critical for enhancing crop yields and supporting global food production.

  • Ammonium Nitrate: A commonly used fertilizer, Ammonium Nitrate is produced by reacting NH3 with Nitric Acid. It provides a source of Nitrogen, essential for plant growth.
  • Urea: Another important fertilizer, urea is synthesized by reacting NH3 with carbon dioxide. It is valued for its high nitrogen content.
  • Ammonium Phosphate: Formed by reacting NH3 gas with phosphoric acid, ammonium phosphate is used as a Nitrogen-Phosphorus fertilizer.

Industrial Chemicals

NH3 gas is a precursor for numerous chemicals used in various industrial processes.

  • Nitric Acid: Ammonia is oxidized to produce Nitric Acid, a vital chemical in the production of explosives, fertilizers, and plastics.
  • Acrylonitrile: This compound, used in the production of synthetic fibers and plastics, is produced through the catalytic reaction of NH3 with propylene.
  • Amines: Ammonia gas is also used in the production of amines, which are important in pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, and dyes.


Due to its thermodynamic properties, NH3 is widely used as a refrigerant in industrial refrigeration systems. It is especially favored in large-scale applications like food storage facilities and ice rinks.

  • Advantages: Ammonia is highly efficient and has a lower environmental impact compared to synthetic refrigerants like chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).
  • Challenges: Its toxicity and flammability require careful handling and well-designed systems to ensure safety.

Water Treatment

Ammonia GAS is used in water treatment processes to remove impurities and control pH levels.

  • Chloramine Formation: In municipal water treatment, NH3 is added to chlorine to form chloramines, which are more stable disinfectants than chlorine alone.
  • pH Adjustment: Ammonium salts are used to adjust the pH of water, making it suitable for various industrial processes.

Ammonia as a Fuel

Ammonia is being explored as a potential carbon-free fuel, particularly in the context of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

  • Combustion: NH3 can be burned in internal combustion engines, turbines, or fuel cells. However, its use as a fuel faces challenges, including its lower energy density compared to traditional fuels and the need for modifications to existing engines.
  • Hydrogen Carrier: NH3 gas is considered a convenient carrier for Hydrogen, as it can be easily transported and decomposed to release Hydrogen gas for fuel cell applications.

What are the Hazards of Ammonia Gas?

While Ammonia gas is essential for many industrial processes, it poses significant safety risks if not handled properly.


Ammonia is toxic to humans and animals. Inhalation of high concentrations can cause respiratory distress, eye irritation, and skin burns. Prolonged exposure can lead to more severe health effects, including lung damage and death.

  • Exposure Limits: Occupational exposure limits for Ammonia are set to minimize health risks. The permissible exposure limit (PEL) is typically around 25 ppm (parts per million) over an 8-hour workday, with short-term exposure limits (STEL) set at 35 ppm.
  • Emergency Response: It is necessary to use gas detectors to monitor NH3 gas concentration in confined spaces and industrial sites. In case of ammonia leaks or spills, it is crucial to evacuate the area, provide ventilation, and use protective equipment such as gas masks and gloves.


Although NH3 is a combustible gas that has a narrow flammability range in air, it can become explosive under certain conditions, particularly in confined spaces where gas concentrations are high.

  • Explosion Risk: Ammonia-air mixtures can explode when exposed to an ignition source. Therefore, strict safety protocols are necessary when storing and handling NH3.
  • Firefighting: In the event of a fire involving NH3 gas, it is important to use water spray to cool containers and disperse the gas. However, water should not be directed at the source of the leak.

Environmental Impact

Ammonia’s impact on the environment is a subject of significant concern, especially about its agricultural use and emissions from industrial processes.


The use of Ammonia-based fertilizers can lead to runoff into water bodies, causing eutrophication. This process involves an excess of nutrients, primarily nitrogen, in water systems, leading to algal blooms that deplete Oxygen levels and harm aquatic life.

  • Water Quality: Eutrophication can result in "dead zones" where aquatic life cannot survive due to low oxygen levels, severely impacting biodiversity and water quality.
  • Mitigation: Strategies to mitigate eutrophication include optimizing fertilizer application, using slow-release fertilizers, and implementing buffer zones around water bodies.

Atmospheric Emissions

Ammonia emissions from agricultural activities, such as livestock farming and fertilizer application, contribute to air pollution and the formation of fine particulate matter (PM2.5), which has adverse health effects.

  • Ammonia Slip: This term refers to the release of unreacted NH3 in processes like selective catalytic reduction (SCR) for controlling Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) emissions in power plants and vehicles.

GasDog Gas Detectors for NH3 Monitoring

GasDog gas detectors are designed to monitor Ammonia (NH3) levels in various industrial environments, ensuring safety and compliance, including fixed and portable gas detectors.

GasDog NH3 gas detector application

Fixed NH3 gas detector

Gasdog fixed NH3 gas detector is a wall-mounted device used in various industrial settings to continuously monitor and detect the presence of Ammonia gas. It has an advanced sensor that reacts to NH3 gas, providing real-time measurements and triggering alarms when concentrations exceed predetermined levels. Typically employed in settings such as refrigeration plants, chemical manufacturing, and wastewater treatment facilities, these detectors provide real-time monitoring and early warning of NH3 leaks.

Industrial fixed NH3 gas detector

Industrial Fixed NH3 gas detector continuously measures NH3 concentration in the air, providing real-time data to ensure safe working conditions. Equipped with advanced sensing technology, it can accurately identify low and high concentrations of Ammonia, triggering alarms when dangerous levels are detected.

Portable NH3 gas detector

Portable NH3 gas detector is a compact, handheld device designed to monitor and measure Ammonia gas levels in real-time. It is suitable for use in environments where Ammonia is present, such as industrial settings, agricultural sites, and wastewater treatment facilities, this gas monitor ensures safety by providing immediate alerts to hazardous gas concentrations. They typically feature a sensor that detects NH3 gas, a digital display for reading gas levels, and audible & visual alarms to warn users of dangerous conditions.

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